Boston Harbor Educators Conference

Join the Massachusetts Marine Educators for our annual Boston Harbor Educator Conference (BHEC) on September 29th, 2018 at UMass Boston. The theme will be “Our New Boston HarborShoreline.” Conference will include exciting speakers, hands-on workshops, a panel discussion and an afternoon cruise to the Boston Harbor Islands! Our keynote speaker will be Frederick A. Laskey, Executive Director, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority.

This year’s workshop topics include coastal storms, sea level rise, ocean acidification, stormwater, North Atlantic right whales, sturgeon conservation, and seashells as versatile teaching tools. For full workshop descriptions, schedule, and registration details visit

To register for the conference, visit

September 29, 2018 at 8:15am - 3:30pm
UMass Boston
100 William T Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125
United States
Google map and directions